
International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day , as announced by UNESCO in 1965 to be September,8th is being observed today in Pakistan and throughout the world.The purpose of celebrating the said is to create awareness about the status of literacy as well as to promote education worldwide.According to UNESCO’s 'Global Monitoring Report on Education for All (2008)':
"South and West Asia has the lowest regional adult literacy rate (58.6%), followed by sub-Saharan Africa (59.7%), and the Arab States(62.7%). Countries with the lowest literacy rates in the world are Burkina Faso(12.8%), Niger (14.4%) and Mali (19%)"
 In Pakistan,President Zardari ,speaking on the occasion, has urged educational planners to refine their strategies of basic education.
"Today is an important education for every one to drive home the need for increasing literacy, assess achievements and shortfalls in the field of education and renew commitment to provide education to all"
SAM wishes the whole world best  regarding their literacy rates in the coming era.


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