
Black Day observed against Dr. Rehman Malik PhD Degree

Karachi, Teachers of Karachi University observed Black Day over the issue of Dr. Rehman Malik Ph.D Degree and wore black armbands during their routine work on Wednesday. According to teachers the awarding doctorate degree to Rehman Malik is not approved by the Univeristy Syndicate.

President of KU Teachers Society, Dr. Shakeel Farooqi said, teachers condemn the award of honorary degree to interior minister Rehman Malik and they would not let the decision approved by the syndicate.

According to a pamphlet which was distributed in the university campus the awarded degree is not an honorary but political. Dr. Mazahir Ahmad, president of Anjuman-e-Asatiza Karachi University condemned that university administration didn’t consult with the teachers regarding this issue. He further added the behavior of the administration is increasing confusion.
Courtesy to ilmkidunia.com


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