
Book Review:The Alchemist

 Book   :   The Alchemist
Author :   Paulo Coelho
“When you really want something to happen, the entire universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” This one sentence captures the essence of the book in its entirety. The Alchemist is the story of a simple shepherd boy named Santiago, who believing in recurring dreams and prophetic signs, decides to undertake a journey across the deserts of Egypt in search for buried treasure.
The Alchemist is a book that tells us to have the courage to follow our dreams, for if we do not do so, we are doomed to a life of emptiness, misery, and dissatisfaction. The greatest obstacle to true happiness is the fear of failure. As the old crystal-seller tragically confesses to Santiago: “I am afraid that great disappointment awaits me, and so I prefer to dream,” it is here only where The Alchemist really captures the psyche of man,who knows he can achieve greatness but shies away from the fear of loss and defeat, and ends up living a life of regret and sorrow.
It is only towards end of The Alchemist, that Santiago discovers that ‘treasure lies where your heart belongs’ and that the real treasure was the journey itself; the discoveries he made and the wisdom he gained. This is the core of The Alchemist’s philosophy and the motto that echoes in Coelho’s writing all through the novel.


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