
Hypersonic X-37 spaceplanes 'could carry astronauts'

Hypersonic X-37 spaceplanes 'could carry astronauts'

(Image: US Air Force/Boeing)

The Boeing X-37B, the mysterious uncrewed spaceplane developed for the US Air Force, could be scaled up and modified to carry astronauts. That's the tantalising possibility posited by a Boeing chief at Space 2011, an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conference in Long Beach, California, last week.

In a paper entitled "X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle and Derivatives", Boeing's X-37B project chief Art Grantz revealed that at least two more versions of the 9-metre long spaceplane are under investigation - one of which involves adding a crew to a much-enlarged version of the space drone. If built, the bigger brother would give the US back its ability to shuttle people to the International Space Station.


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