
Is Buying iPhone 4s a Good Idea or Just Wasting Money?

How has your iPhone 4S release day been so far? Was this the iPhone you were hoping for or were you disappointed by it? Or did you skip the whole drama, being one of those who decided not to go for the iPhone 4S as in their opinion the iPhone 4S was not such a big advancement over the previous iPhones.
The question now is whether the iPhone 4S is worth buying or we will just be wasting our money in effectively buying the same phone we purchased last year?
What is obvious is that there is definitely the improved 8 MP camera that will take some good shots in various lighting conditions and let’s not forget the Siri, the digital virtual assistant in the iPhone that has made us taking to our phones!

That being said there are some features that aren’t so much improved as the dual core A5 processor, the one found in the iPad 2. Besides some most people want their new phones to be faster than the previously existing devices. Still that won’t be a deal breaker for many.

So what most upgraders will be thinking right now is that if the iPhone 4S really is faster than the iPhones 4 and the 3Gs? Possessing a dual core processor it would definitely be faster, but how much faster? To answer the question we performed a simple unscientific test to compare the speeds of the iPhones 4S, 4 and the 3Gs.
Obviously the iPhone 4S came out as the winner in faster downloading and loading web pages. The iPhone 4S was almost twice as fast as the previous devices.

Another field where the 4S dominated was the camera app. With the new iOS 5 accessing the camera app from the lock screen is really quick and also the delay between shots have been considerably reduced. It is not instantaneous but still pretty snappy from the previous devices.


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