
A Robot that can THINK!!


A Japanese Reseacher,Osamu Hasegawa, associate professor at the Tokyo Insitute of Technology has brought to world, an invention of a robot.One that can THINK, look around, search over the Internet and resolve to solutions to problems!!

The Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network, or "SOINN", is an algorithm that allows robots to use their knowledge — what they already know — to infer how to complete tasks they have been told to do.
SOINN examines the environment to gather the data it needs to organise the information it has been given into a coherent set of instructions.

Tell a SOINN-powered machine that it should, for example: "Serve water".

The machine will think of the tasks involved: holding a cup, holding a bottle, pouring water from a bottle, placing a cup down.

Without special programmes for water-serving, the robot works out the order of the actions required to complete the task.

SOINN can even search the internet and find out what something looks like.

Hasegawa’s team is further trying to merge these abilities and create a machine that can work out how to perform a given task through online research.

"In the future, we believe it will be able to ask a computer in England how to brew a cup of tea and perform the task in Japan," he said.

Source of Information: DAWN NEWS


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