The article, taken from Daily SUNDIAL, expresses the concern of student's sleep cycles. It quotes how students have the habit of leaving every work pending till the 11th hour and explains how this can affect their daily routine activities and their physical health as well.
Pulling an ‘all-nighter’ should be the last thing college students
pull off. Many college students are not getting the proper eight hours
of sleep at night. With students’ fluctuating schedules it could be hard
to stay on track. Between exams, projects, work and a social life, how
does one ever do it?
It is times like these when independence could bite you in the butt.
For some, college is the first time students have control over their
schedule, including what time they go to sleep.
According to Maria Berrio, a licensed vocational nurse at West Hills
Sleep Disorders Center, about 10 percent of their patients are students
who come in for issues related to sleep deprivation. Berrio says they
had a patient who was a student that would always fall asleep in his
chair and sometimes could not be woken up. This was interfering with his
daily activities including going to school and the center is still
performing tests in order to treat the patient properly.

Dr. Ashwin Kashyap, internist and hematologist, says “Some students
these days push themselves to the limit and not giving yourself the
proper rest can damage students mentally and physically” because he says
“in order to function properly and to the best of our ability, sleep is
a must.” CSUN student Marissa Clement says, “As students we have the
tendency to leave things to the last minute and sleeping ends up being
something we do only in the weekends.” Freshman Jonathan Bauer says, “I
live with other students and sometimes going to sleep early is hard
when everyone has different schedules.”
College students have busy lives but they must take into perspective
their health and what is really important. We all only have one life to
live and living it to the fullest includes some
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