

President & Prime Ministers - Celebrities and heroes are all on Twitter. Anybody who is anything is on TWITTER and TWEETING. Following and being followed. I speak, ofcourse of TWITTER, THE Social Networking site that has taken the INTERNET by storm. Only recently it announced a 1200 % increase in UK subscribers. That makes the service, where users dispatch 140 character updates to the implied question "What are you doing?" to anyone who signed up for them, one of the fastest growing on the net. A sort of REDUX version of the FACEBOOK, TWITTER was launched by 3 SILICON VALLEY IT BOYS IN AVG 2006 and has now over 11 million subscribers world wide. It has raised over 20 million pounds in VENTURE CAPITAL but has so far brought in very little revenue. Many psychologists feel that Twitter may just solve conflicts and bring us together, all TWITTERING AS ONE.
Twitter is a dynamic community in which you tweet and tweet. Seek and answer ! So next time you need advice on fight a still VOID, just tweet, tweet , tweet away ! Your world will twirl to life.
Courtesy/ International Student Correspondent.
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