4th November, 2011: Mission named Mars-500 was a research project to find medical and psychological effects of long-term isolation. Started on 3rd June 2010 it was one of the greatest space research experiment and a great experience by crew and researchers both. In the mission, a steel tube was prepared to simulate the similar environment as of planet Mars. The simulation tube was located at the
Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow, Russia. Communication channels were operated with 25 minutes delay to mimic actual transmission delay between earth and mars. The crew lived and worked in a spacecraft.
All members reportedly came out smiling and happy with optimal health conditions.
“Thank you very much for your outstanding effort, I welcome the courage, determination and generosity of these young people who have devoted almost two years of their lives to this project, for the progress of human space exploration.” said
Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA’s Director General in his greeting from Paris.
Watch Video To See Inside Tube.
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