
Headline Nov 23, 2011

                          A WAKE UP CALL

Education has immense power to change lives, companies and societies ! Think about it -
... YET ! There are no jobs! There will be no jobs in he next decade or so. This is the bitter and real truth. Face up to it.

Investments are drying up. Manufacturing and service sector is on the retreat. Take a look at the capital Equipment imports and you can reason on.

This analysis should apply to the most of the countries of the world. Make no mistake about it.

So get started by learning the skills and mindset of successful entrepreneurs. Take a look at ' Globis Japan '. It began as a one room school and a single of Entrepreneurial DNA. 

Globis has a unique mission. It helps students focus on human capacity. Globis helps students identify their mission in life and develop the capacity to observe it.

Globis focuses on practice rather than on theory. Globis is focused on positioning itself at the care of Japan's and International business. 

Student Angel Mother is both proud and delighted to announce the same model for Pakistani students. 

SAM Global University.

Operations and plans are in place. SAM launches off on 1st Jan 2012.

SAM Daily Times. " The Voice of the Voiceless."


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