Cold..Flu..Sore Throat..diseases no one has been ever totally safe from. Having no specific medical cure they attack millions everyday. So here are a few home based remedies you might find helpful:
- Lemonade:soothe sore throats, cleanse the blood, and loosen mucous
- Chicken Soup:Jewish physicians and philosophers recommended this in 20th century..been successful since then
- Mustard:reduce fever, eliminate toxins and help heal the mucus membranes in the lungs.
- Ginger Tea: it will kill germs and act as antiviral.Really helpful for coughing
- Garlic: Researchers in England found that garlic can speed up recovery from the flu and increase resistance.It increases bleeding though so those taking medications for bleeding must be aware.
- Castor Oil: As quoted from the web:"Castor oil pack placed on the chest can open the airwaves and bring circulation to the lungs. Massage Castor oil on the chest, cover with muslin or flannel, and place a warm hot water bottle over the chest."
- Oranges and Fruit: Researches have revealed the helpful affects of Vitamin C for cold and Flu
- Yogurt
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