
Dont Swallow your pills with....

Often, while taking a pill, we are tempted to take them with a sip of juice , coffee or even some soft drink. Pharmacist Mary Euler explains why water is always safer choice:

Grapefruit Juice: It may inhibit enzymes that help metabolise certain pills, including some heart drugs and anti-depressants. That shall not only weaken the drug's own effects but worsen their side effects too!

Coffee, Tea, Cola: Caffeine worsens the side effects of certain asthma drugs. Caffeine can irritate the stomach, hence one should avoid it while taking NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs i.e drugs with analgesic (painkiller) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) effects and which have, in higher doses, anti-inflammatory effects.) such as iBuprofen.

Milk: Calcium prevents absorption of some antibiotics.

Alcohol: It is a risk to liver plus, negates the effects of anti depressants and worsen side effects of certain other drugs.

Cranberry Juice: Reports suggests drinking it while on warfarin (an anticoagulant i.e a substance that prevents coagulation (clotting) of blood), may increase bleeding.

Fibre Drinks: Fibre can bind with many drugs, decreasing effectiveness.

References:  [1]mbeautyjournal.blogspot.com [2] Wikipedia


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