
Hands-Free, Not Risk-Free

Its hazardous to use a handheld mobile phone while driving, so many people switch towards hands-free models. Well?? Is that safe now? No! Researchers at Israel's Harofe Medical Centre took a sample of 41 people. These had to sit infront of a bowl, stare at it's center and it a button when they had seen a light twinkle. First they did so without any distractions and then while using a speakerphone.  They latter situation made them miss ywice as many lights than the former one.

"Missing one point may be important while driving", says study authir Yaniv Barkana, study author and a fellow at The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary." That could be a car braking". To be safe, pull over, park and then chat.

Data collected from RDHEALTH .


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