
Horoscope 20th September, 2011


This is a very important work cycle peak, representing new jobs, new positions, new projects, and new goals developing in the surrounding month that will last for the next two years. What you accept, you're stuck with for that time, so choose well. Weigh your options, and then make your power moves with renewed vigor.


A touch of inner turmoil could have you all churned-up over something important today, but try not to lose perspective in the process. Mood changes in others may have you a little suspicious about what is really happening. Other than that, you should find most other things flowing very nicely.


Consolidate your finances as the stars are not creating the right sort of energy for you in terms of speculating. Just wait, listen and trust your intuition as to the appropriate moment to swoop. This relates to new job offers or investment opportunities. Shortly things will be much clearer to you


As optimistic as you feel, any dispute or disagreement amongst friends will see you taking to the road quickly. You're not in the mood to mediate on pettiness or narrow minded viewpoints today. It's probably best to spend some time alone and avoid troublemakers


If you're looking for a better job or finer set of wheels, this could be your lucky day. Some of you may have a roving eye, simply because love is not working to plan. It may be time for that long-avoided conversation, if you truly want your relationship to work.


There could be some friction in your place of work or group gathering today, and it will be up to you to take the middle ground. Pay attention to the minor details in connection with a major project, because it's the little things that will make the final picture work.


A flurry of monetary activity, perhaps a quick find or mini-crisis today, but it passes quickly. Keep its brevity in mind so you don't lay heavy bets on a passing fancy, unless other longer-range cycles are much in focus with this as trigger.


A surge of independence, a need for freedom, and an interest in trying new and different things may take hold of you. Unusual or unconventional behavior, an interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. During this time period your thinking is intense and penetrating. You tend to become impassioned about your ideas, and you are inclined to feel very strongly about your ideas.


There's a sudden breakthrough in this continuing saga of responsibility versus freedom. The easing of this deadlock creates a welcome sense of relief. It is likely family members will support any major decisions you make at this time. Be prepared to take bold steps to reach your goals in the coming days.


You need to keep some commonsense about you today as you may jump to conclusions in believing that someone is attacking your belief system. You don't have to let someone walk all over you, but by the same token don't assume the worst today.


This is not a time to push yourself or be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Reading something that is mind expanding, taking a trip, or planning a vacation is favored at this time.


Good things come to those who remain focused on their goals. You are in a period in which progress towards realizing your goals may seem agonizingly slow in coming, or non-existent. For you the challenge is to persevere—to not allow yourself to slack off—as positive results are on the horizon.


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