Smoking makes changes in your hair, teeth and skin that makes one look older.It even has detrimental effects on heart, lungs and bones. Five affects that disguise smoker's age are:
pale look |
1.Smokers look pale and loose the color of their face: according to dermatologist Jonette Keri, MD, of the University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine.
"In young nonsmokers, we don't usually see a
lot of uneven skin tone," scientist
. "But this develops more quickly in
people who smoke."
sagging |
2.Skin loses elasticity. Smokers have sagging skin with deeper wrinkles. According to scientist:
" Tobacco degrades the building blocks of the skin,"
wrinkled lips |
3. "Smokers use certain muscles around their lips that cause them to have dynamic wrinkles that nonsmokers do not," Keri says. This factor combined with the loss of activity makes smokers lips look line the one in this picture.
age spots |
4.Age spots like those in picture develop on smoker's hands and face.
stained fingers |
5.Smoking stains smoker's fingers, nails and teeth. These stains disappear if one quits smoking.
Data was collected from
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