
Human Attitude Towards Jealousy

Maryam Javed (DJ Momo)

Human Attitude Towards Jealousy

Humans have been blessed with so many qualities by God. Its up to man either to react positively or the other way round. While considering blessings possessed by fellow beings..it comes either to get an inspiration or to simply acquire a sense of jealousy. Inspiration is the positive motivation towards your target but in contrast jealousy is the negative influence on people to snatch whatever others possess and in the end you stand bare foot!
 and just possess the regrets of your insight ! there's a common saying:

"The easiest way to spread hatred among people is to change their inspirations into jealousies" 

Where does this jealousy factor come from? The answer is quiet simple. When one starts overlooking his own blessings but looks up only towards the one "apparently" more blessed, then he start craving for others 
possessions. Jealousies and hatred develop. One becomes unthankfull towards his diety...faith starts to loose..In short many is lost on the expense of zero gain!!

So....Come out of your shells for a while and just check your faith and count your
 blessings , you'll become what you want to be that my Promise to you ! Good Luck :-) 

"Live your life, and let others live"
Momo :)


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