The country's Planning Agencies and Reform Commissions have laid out a proper plan stating how the aim shall be achieved.100-watt and higher incandescent bulbs shall be banned by Oct. 1, 2012 while for 60-watt and higher bulbs the ban shall be implemented from Oct. 1, 2014. The date set for banning 15-watt and higher bulbs is Oct. 1, 2016."The time frame for the last step may be adjusted according to an evaluation in September 2016", said the National Development and Reform Commission
Xie Ji, deputy director of the commission's environmental protection department tells that Lighting, presently constitutes 12% of China's total Energy used. The potential for saving energy and reducing green house gas emissions is huge, he explained.
By implementing this plan, China hopes to save 48 billion kilowatt hours of power and C02 emissions by 48 million tons(both annually).
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