
LHC researchers find "new physics" hint

In an HCP meeting held on Monday, physicist Mathew Charles working on the LHC-beauty or LHC-b, revealed that the particles called D-mesons decay a little differently compared to their antiparticles as opposed to our present understanding of physics.

The LHCb detector was designed to examine the decay of particles containing "beauty quarks into Kaons and Pions.The detector specifically examines the 'CP violation", that is the slight differences in behaviour if a particle is swapped by its antiparticle.

Presently, there is less than a 0.5 percent chance (certainty of 3.5-sigma) of the result being due to chance alone, though further analysis is needed to support it. According to statistics, a five-sigma level of certainty is required for the result to become a discovery.


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