
Green Heating Alternatives

Green Heating Alternatives refer to ways of heating bulidings etc that rely on renewable sources like biomass, geothermal heat and the sun and not on non renewable sources such as oil or natural gas.Some techniques suggested by Rachel Steffan on NatGeo are:

  • Passive Solar: For example, Thermal mass materials such as stone or concrete in the construction of houses shall absorb maximum heat from the sun in peak hours. Additionally south facing windows and deciduous tress shall help. 
  • Active Solar:The idea is to use collectors, mounted on roofs and faced southwards. These shall warm the liquid that is then pumped around the house.
  • New stoves shall be designed that provide complete combustion. This shall lessen both smoke and ash production. Although they are more labor-intensive but provide a low-cost solution using renewable sources of energy hence, more efficient than Old Stoves.
  • "A ground-source or geothermal heat pump uses the heat stored underground to increase the efficiency of a heating system. While a furnace or boiler uses energy to create and distribute heat, heat pumps use energy to move heat from underground into your house, a much less energy intensive process". Although they will be expensive but shall prove to be long-lasting.


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