
Overcome Your Fear -- Take the First Step

By Sarah Mahmood

Nah mate I can't do it!

Well, why on earth can't you do it? True, the other person might be more talented but how can you know that unless you actually try doing it.

Many of us learn about our hidden talents in a very accidental manner. We are not even aware of their existence until either we are forcibly made to show them (in that case we perform really well) or else they come tumbling out one fine day (and take us by surprise). The question is why does this happen? Well, to put it simply, this happens because many of us fear to take the FIRST STEP!

We are either terrified of the aliens (read human) who'd be watching us making fools of ourselves or else we are just too lazy to explore the hidden sides of our personality. We are happily bagging grades, partying with friends, sleeping non-stop, shopping out with siblings and yet surprisingly immune to the deafening screams of our talents that lie dormant somewhere inside, begging to be unleashed to the finer tastes of the world.

Overcoming the fear of what others will say if somehow you end up messing it all up is essential because the fear of taking the first step is what kills all innovation. Believe me, no one's going to kill you. They all had their first times and now it's yours, so don't let anyone ruin it for you. Happy First Time!


  1. The First step....What if people are brave enough to take up the challenges but still face failure and aren't appreciated. The society we live in is unfortunately a biased and corrupt one. What I have learned so far is that nobody really cares and there is no place for innovation in here. Take for instance the example of our academic sector. When its time for the students to be creative, unleash their innovative self...the system shoves them down in a funnel..kill their enthusiasm.
    How can I be innovative mate when the best solution to a problem can only be mentioned in a text book that was written decades ago.
    The fear is not for taking the first step but the fear....*sigh* cant just be in taking steps its something else :|

  2. The topic here deals with those who DO fear to take the first step. If you don't, then hats off to you mate, you are at least brave enough to give your talents the breathing space they require.

    Secondly, what you said about the society hampering your innovative self and all, mate that's the hindrance that you need to overcome. Believe me no one really cares... you have to pave your own path. History remembers not those who sat there blaming their circumstances, rather those who acted proactively, defied their circumstances, and eventually made a path for themselves to tread upon. Do your best and trust God. And then even if you die unacknowledged, you did not live in vain.

  3. ahh well, Satisfying to some extent :P
    Thanks mate :D

  4. No problem. I see the "mate's" getting contagious :P


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