
Pensive: I-am-right-you-are-wrong

by Sarah Mahmood

Somehow everything's wrong with everyone else. I am perfect because I have a justification for every single act of mine! Her problem is that she is flawed and does not see my reasoning.

See the irony? While believing in your own righteousness, you simply fail to realize the fact that maybe it's you too, who does not see the other person's perspective. What is it that turns a conversation into an argument and then an argument into a fight? This attitude precisely!

How to cater it? Well, the first step would probably be learning to be a good listener. You listen (patiently, no interruptions please!), you understand (or try to at least) and then you question. The results might not be intersecting with the paradigms in your head, but that's where respecting the other person's opinion comes in. You realize that they too have a brain! And you finally succeed in having a conversation end normally.


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