
Secret Message Broadcast By BBC During WorldwarII

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) was the most famous station during the World War II .It had its high reputation because of its honest approach in world event news. Many people throughout Nazi occupied Europe possessed self-made radios secretly as in those days possessing radios was illegal  while the Germans  used jammers to prevent the broadcast of radio orange-broadcasted via BBC.

BBC played its role by broadcasting “personnel messages” in the news and often in the start of certain programs. These were encrypted messages broadcasted to secret agents and resistance groups in occupied Europe .To the common listeners these messages meant nothing but for resistance groups they were quite meaningful. These messages may contain information regarding authentication of agents for assistance in fields or blowing up any place.

The messages also had D-Day plans leaked out to secret agents to make them aware of any important event. One of the most awaited messages was from first two lines of Paul Verlaine couplet

The first that was sent on June 1 "The long sobs of the violins of autumn”-this was an alert message in which resistance groups were told to prepare. The second was "Soothes my heart with a monotonous languor”- this was an action message sent to call all resistance groups throughout France to come for fight.


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