
The story of Hallaj-executed for saying "I am the truth"

Mansoor Hallaj was a great teacher, philosopher and a poet .Being a Sufi his poems are a great depiction of his love for .During his era practices of mysticism were prohibited to be revealed as common men could not understand them. When Hallaj’s love for Allah grew stronger day by day, he could not stop himself and this made him to say ‘An-al-Haq’ (I am the truth). The commons perceived it as a claim to be God and so he was executed publically in Baghdad in 922 as ordered by Abbasside caliph.

 Mansoor Hallaj was in a state called “Fana Fillah”. In Sufism the first stage is Fana Fi Shaykh, Fana then Fi Rasool and lastly Fana Fillah; in which one is not aware of himself.

 Although controversial and hated by many he had always been a subject of discussion in every era.Molana Rumi had a great reverence for Hallaj and mentioned him in his poems as a great believer.

He is still read today. Modern Times Stage Company in Toronto has made a play on the last night Hallaj spends in prison. The play is written by Peter Farbridge and Soheil Parsa.

“He is given a choice to recant his beliefs or be executed. We try to work out his dilemma,” explains Farbridge.


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