
Time Running Out on Climate Change

International Energy Agency has recently released a report which, as they admit themselves, is highly pessimistic. The report increasingly warns the world of global warming (climate change) plus the exhausting resources.

It targets the infrastructure mainly, including factories, power plants and buildings, which the report claims, in the coming decades, emit 80% of the CO2 the world can afford to release into the air.

To keep emissions below that target, the report suggests humans to continue with business as usual for only five more years, by when, the total allowed budget of emissions would be "locked in."  It further suggests totally renewed infrastructure by 2017, one which keeps C02 emissions to a  minimum.

Commenting on this, Jones says:
"Longer delays would mean that more infrastructure would have to go "out to pasture," or be retired before its normal lifetime was up,while, retiring infrastructure early would mean that avoiding dangerous climate change would cost much more money".

For more, visit The Great Energy Challenge.


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