
Nov 30, 2011


Be Warned !!! The world has a messy and poorly conceived Urban Operating System. We as a nation have sunk into 'Sinecures'. Everything and anything we build , -as soon- turn into a Rubbish Dump !

Your water stem is obsolete by 30 years. Your sewage system is all clogged up and over-flowing into the main streets. And you have absolutely no back up arteries as safety valves. Every conceivable bacteria awaits your opening of the lids. That's a pure pure shame.

A GREAT OPERATING SYSTEM IS A TRUE CLONE OF A COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM. It has a motherboard, it has highways, it has chips, it has a CPU, it has circuits, it has commands, it has a kernel. It takes inputs and hopefully gives you outputs. Copy your Urban Operating System to a computer system and you won't go wrong.

Hundreds and thousands even millions of us are moving to cities to seek a better life? So we think ! But the way we build or even manage cities is just not good enough.

Only Bahria is up to the spirit.

None of our Urban Operating System is Scalable.

We need to stop and completely re think our Urban developments. We have to make future cities sustainable, affordable, energy efficient and disaster proof. Or else .....

In taking on the challenge, there are several strengths we can harness. We have level land. We have cheap land, labour and raw material. We must begin now !

The new concepts in urban operating system go much much further. They encompass energy, information, water, transportation, and more. And so for us only miracles can be prayed for in earnest.

If we delay every conceivable misery awaits us! Tsunamis have many forms! Be warned !!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice of the Voiceless


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