
Your Contribution In Bringing The World To Its End!??
Who will win? Asteroid or YOU?

According to a meteorite expert, Monica Grady, a large object of approximately 1 Km will collide the earth every few hundred thousand years and a larger object of the size of approx 6km will collide the earth every hundred million years and we are overdue for the larger one.
What it means is that a massively destructive object of the size of 6km can be expected to hit the earth.

Oh Scary, but hey hey let's take a minute off to analyse can we really claim to God for mercy on the planet??

Alarming climate changes causing tsunamis and volcanic eruption poses risks of wiping out big portion of human population. This problem or better termed as risk is a human specie created.

Did you know that of 4 billion total species ever evolved, 99% have gone extinct. And presently 1/4th of mammals and 1/3rd of reptiles are at risk of extinction!
All countries are accepted to be powerful after they have become 'ATOMIC POWER'.
Damages caused by  atomic bombs prevail for many generations. Other bombs used on different wars spread such dangerous gases that generations will suffer from their effects in the surroundings.
Cyber war aside, now world is entering into era of biological warfare in which tests are conducted on normal innocent humans. May be 3ml liquid of a virus can get 1000s on  bed.
Do you know that many of water brands bottle are not recycle-able material so they are disposed off in the sea causing  enough damage to the aquatic life.
It doesn't end here. There are million other ways that how every single one of us is taking  part in destroying our planet. Time for us to get together to save the world till it lasts


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