
Be where your heart desires to be.

By Sarah Mahmood

Be where your heart desires to be.

Yes, I've heard that one before but somehow, I forgot to apply it while opting for a profession. Stuff like "people don't expect that from a straight-A's student" kept popping up. Additionally, societal constraints (living in Pakistan you are supposed to do only a handful of reasonable things when you grow up!) were a major barrier. Result: I might have a good GPA (out of mere habit) but not the dedication to carry it forward.

For boys in Pakistan and similar countries, the dilemma is understandable. They are after all the eventual breadwinners for the family. Thus, the need to have a respectable and financially sound standing in the society is evident. But what happens when it comes to girls?

Well, here's a piece of advice: There's no need to go for the usual stuff. Do what you can and want to do (and what is of course respectable!)


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