
Brain's Failure to Appreciate Others Leads to Human Atrocities
Scientists have conducted a research study whose results they claim explains the inhumane behavior of a person towards any particular entity.According to 'Medical News Today', this study also may help explain how propaganda depicting Tutsi in Rwanda as cockroaches and Hitler's classification of Jews in Nazi Germany as vermin contributed to torture and genocide, the study said. 

The core of it all is that in every human, there is a part in the brain that's critical for social interaction.Researchers at Duke University and Princeton University suggest that this function proves to become inactive when a person interacts with someone he does not value or considers disgusting, for example.

"When we encounter a person, we usually infer something about their minds. Sometimes, we fail to do this, opening up the possibility that we do not perceive the person as fully human," said lead author Lasana Harris, an assistant professor in Duke University's Department of Psychology & Neuroscience and Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. Harris co-authored the study with Susan Fiske, a professor of psychology at Princeton University. 

These researchers carried out experiments on a varied sample of men and women by showing them images of various people and carrying out their Brain MRI 's for monitoring. The results proved that when a candidate was shown the picture of a devalued(in candidate's view) person, a drug addict or a homeless person, for example, the part of brain responsible for feelings and empathy became inactive.

"These results suggest multiple roots to dehumanization," Harris said. "This suggests that dehumanization is a complex phenomenon, and future research is necessary to more accurately specify this complexity." 


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