

The labour unrest in china has increased in the past few weeks. And the slowing economy could become another factor to ignite the disturbance.

China's Security Chief is warning that China is ill-prepared for social unrest generated by the negative effects of the economy.

Employees of a Singaporean electronics firm Hi-P International in Shanghai went on strike last week over mass job losses.Thousands of workers went on strike in Shenzhen and Dongguan, protesting cuts in overtime.

The economy grew by 9.1% between June and September compared to a year earlier, the slowest rate of expansion in two years.

According to Politburo member Zhou Yongkang the government needs better methods for dealing with the effects of slowing economy. Zhou called for innovative approaches to social management - a euphemism for a clutch of policies as diverse as stepped-up policing and unemployment insurance meant to dampen unrest.


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