

The world is sinking in corruption. This cancer has now taken on a catastrophic proportions.

The world has no easy answers. The world has difficult and complex solutions none of which are easy to implement.

A global unrest has broken out signing protest against lack of transparency and accountability. In most of the countries nepotism, bribery and patronage are so deeply ingrained in daily life that even existing anti-corruption laws have little impact. We are losing both the battle and the war against corruption.
The countries where corruption is rampant are more submerged in political unrest. There have been widespread protests in many Middle Eastern countries demanding political change. Lately, the Prime Minister of Kuwait, unable to handle the protests in his country had to resign. And now UK is facing an economic upheaval. All the obvious aftermaths of corruption. 

From biosphere to atmosphere to human-sphere, everything is corrupting. It's about time leaders around the world work and provide earnest support towards a better establishment by being fair. This is exactly what the global citizens are unanimously demanding. We're hoping that demands of the citizens around the world will be met before the peace gets totally wiped out from the face of the earth.

SAM Daily Times - "Voice of the Voiceless"


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