
DNA Integrity Index:Future for Cancer Detection

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DNA ,the nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms, is very essential to life in terms of integrity and stability. Small amounts of free DNA circulate in both healthy and unhealthy human plasma/serum. For Cancer Patients, however, the concentration of DNA in plasma increases in a notable amount.

"Tumor released DNA in blood represents a promising biomarker for cancer detection. Several studies have identified DNA alterations in circulating plasma DNA from cancer patients that match with genetic changes present in primary tumors and it has been postulated that tumor necrosis "( refers to a group of cytokines family that can cause cell death (apoptosis)) " causes release of DNA of varying sizes, which contrasts apoptosis in normal tissue that releases smaller and more uniform DNA fragments."

Scientists now claim that DNA Integrity Index i.e tests that reveal the ratio of larger to smaller DNA in plasma shall  to be useful in diagnosing Cancers.However, current research on this issue is not enough and there exist discrepancies in various results. This means that the matter needs to be researched upon further and more of validation studies are needed.Then only can scientists accurately assess the feasibility of using this test as a screening tool for detection of malignancy and/or tumor progression.

See detailed report here.


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