

This unique creature has got the characterisitics of both dragon and a lizard. It can creep and glide..has got the body of a house lizard but wings like that of a dragon.They are found to be as long as 8 inches (including tail)

National Geographic gives a very interesting description, "These so-called flying dragons have a set of elongated ribs, which they can extend and retract. Between these ribs are folds of skin that rest flat against the body when not in use, but act as wings when unfurled, allowing the Draco to catch the wind and glide. The lizards use their long, slender tails to steer themselves, and each sortie can carry them up to 30 feet (9 meters)."

Their males usually glide to chase food while females must descend so as to lay eggs.The specie is abundant in its habitat and has no prevailing danger to going extinct.


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