


You get a lot of interesting answers if you ask students who their favourite teacher is and a lot of lies. Students who say 'NO ONE' may well be telling the truth, but it is a truth that must detain us. 

In the present times and World , the only teachers seems to be hypocracy, lies, materialism, ego, falsehood, and the master teacher, self interest and preservation. So what are we bound to produce as a end product ?

For many students life is vague and hard. For many many others it is grueling and cruel. Daily to and fro is a 'hang from the balcony'. The classes over-crowded , the cafeteria expensive, unhygienic and rude. The teachers in a robotic trance. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing !

A question asked is a friction ignited. Bitter grind-up for some commercial tuition. What matters in the class culture is the attendance, a quiet exit, and a greasing attitude. 

One SAM founder graced a teacher with a professional question. The teacher swiftly struck the student off the facebook. 

One Pakistani student who did his masters from a UK University, never had a social moment with any of his teachers. He has no memories. 

The commercial sale is on ! Grab and run !

In the Miani Saib graveyard, Lahore, rests Professor Javed Kamran Bashir. An Honours graduate from Oxford , who gave Pakistan and his students the first honest concept of modern day democracy. He gave his students his time, his life, and his legacy for forever. His grave is daily frequented by his students.  

In the heart of Cadet College Hassan Abdal, rests the honourable Mr. Hugh Catchpole. A Masters with Honours from Oxford. He taught thousands and thousands of students in both Pakistan and India. His students reached the highest offices in their respective countries. 

He married education and on his death his will complemented his life's work. He gave away money to India and to Cadet College Hassan Abdal. 

Truth is bitter and shame in this case is a big pie. Let us cut our piece as the largest !

Good night and thank you !

God bless you all

SAM Daily Times - " The Voice of the Voiceless"


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