
Experienced Meditators Can Switch Their Brain Areas

Health scientists have analysed that all the mental disease including schizophrenia and autism are causes by preoccupation of one's own thoughts. A study by Yale researchers has shown that the experienced meditators seem to be able switch off areas of the brain associated with daydreaming as well as psychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.
People having lapses of attention and disorders such as anxiety, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder operate more in specific areas of brains called the default mode network. If people become able to switch areas of brain operation, they can get rid of all such disorders. Whereas day dreaming is associated with increased level of happiness.
Main aim of study was to find out what an experienced meditator can achieve that a novice cant. The Yale team conducted functional MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) scans on both experienced and novice meditators as they practiced three different meditation techniques.
Findings of experiment were very interesting. Experienced meditators had decreased activity in areas of the brain called the default mode network regardless of the type of meditation they were doing. But even when they were not meditating, brain regions associated with self-monitoring and cognitive control were co-activated in experienced meditators but not novices.

Researchers analysed that the meditators have constantly been suppressing their "self" centered thoughts so it has become their default mode to resist all such feelings.

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