
Google+ presents pages for business

Following in the footsteps of facebook, Google is now launching Google+ pages. This will give businesses a new way to connect to customers with a lot of interactivity. The website is also debuting a new feature called "Direct Connect". Users who type "+" in front of a company's name in Google's search field will be connected directly to the company's Google+ Page, if there is one.

Right nowGoogle's offerings appear not so strong but we know google will live up to its reputation of being steady to create a good thing. Word has it that Google is definitely going to add functionality for e-commerce and other items as time goes on. Its user base hasn't yet approached that of Facebook's, so you can expect more growth to continue in both the user base and available features in 2012.

Twitter, Google+, Facebook. Who will dominate in the near future ?! Feel free to comment !


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