
German Tourism Industry Breaks Records

While recent financial news from the European Union has not been particularly bright, the German tourism industry is booming. This fiscal year has brought a record result.

The latest political and financial news reaching European audience does not promise spectacular future, yet when looking back at the business year 2010/2011 which concluded in October, German travelers have been very generous. The tourism industry has a new record result with massive sales revenue of 22.5 billion Euros (20.4 billion Euros previous year) as well as a number of participants.

According to the German Travel Association, German travel agencies recorded a 9.5 percent increase in holiday bookings, similar to tour operators, who speak of a 9 percent growth. While 2009 was the year when crisis hit hard and many locals reconsidered their travel plans, the situation in the following months and years has been gradually improving. Even the cruise industry has been gradually growing.

German tour operators have also concluded an additional 5 percent more travelers chose to book their holidays through them.


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