Google Earth has created a a very informative video that illustrates how Dams affect climate. The 12 minute(approx) video focuses on dams in Africa, the Himalayas and the Amazon.
The video tour demonstrates how glacier melts in Himalayas, a result of global warming, could pose safety threats to communities living downstreams. It shows how flood rates can shoot up through these glaciers.It also shows how rotting material at the bottom of reservoir in Brazil's Tucurui Dam produces greenhouse gas methane,which when released into the atmosphere impacts environment severely
"The video will be released in two formats: a non-interactive version that will be available for viewing on YouTube, and a KML file that can be opened using free Google Earth software. In the KML version of the tour, users can pause at any point and zoom in and explore additional information and imagery about a topic", tells the NatGeo report.
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