
Headline Dec 30, 2011 / The End Of Conventional Wisdom

Global Lesson


The End Of Conventional Wisdom

We stand humbled before our problems. Declining into nth year of our spiral but the resilience of our society and nation is amazing.

Our problems and their cycles have confounded experts and policy makers. They have all failed miserably with solutions. Our complexities in a globalised society are staggering.
For example, let us pose just one question. How high can our unemployment go? No one really knows or even cares!

Conventional wisdom says get the inflation under control. Can we? Conventional wisdom says document economy, raise taxes, cut capital expenditure, build infrastructure, increase throughputs but can we? Conventional wisdom says stir construction, control the wages, but can we? Where in this is our crown jewel. The Textile export??? Need we go on and on and on!

The Stark TRUTH is that the dynamics of the bitter and urgent changes for a turn around are turning the tenets of conventional wisdom on their very heads.

Globalisation and high technologies are changing every variable into a totally unforeseen ways

There is little incentive for any corporation to pull for growth.

Alas...........!! And this could very well determine our destiny as Students.

Remember and nod that the only solution for Pakistan in reviving its sinking economy is to go full stream, hammer and tongs after OPEN SOURCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY as the driving force in the economy. If we do that we will arrest the spiral and our survival dependency on Construction, Textiles.

Throw Conventional Wisdom out of the window. Our present economic process may be different but its outcomes remain unclear. To sum, Globalistaion will undo us. The global markets will influence capital flow, price and wage pressures, and profits and our SURVIVAL.

Hey, Sir, Esteemed Imran Khan, nay, Immi are you listening!! Time For A Reality Check!!

Cheerio and Good night fellow humans!
SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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