
Headline Dec 6, 2011 / Students In Majesty

History records that this is the students' finest hour. This is apt for the whole world ! like a towering everest, they look down upon the plain of problems. They're determined to be the wind of change. The first caress of the change lingers.

The world is aghast, shaken, with their thoughts ! Noble and dignified deeds can only follow to pull the world back from its abyss. The spring of fountain youth emulates the work of Socrates.

All instruments of power have failed. And we mean all and every!

The students are out of deniability. They are ready to shape the destiny of the world. Even the Kings and Queens of deniability can now fathom the false premises and other forms of disrespect and deceit for the untruths of created orders and humanity.

The hoo-ha is over ! reverend, Sirs !

" We thought we knew the World. And we discovered that we know nothing about our own selves. But we now know that self-awareness is the highest form of intelligence. "

By the 1000s and 10,000s the world over, the students have discovered the service and honour that this newspaper has performed to make Time for this adventure ! Please, World, --------------- all of you ! Are you listening ?!

Just remember,
that the students make the Darndest Leaders of All !!

SAM Daily Times - "The Voice of the Voiceless"


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