

SAM Daily Times is the only internet newspaper even in the print media to inform you how United States used to conduct reconnaissance and spying missions over Russia in the year 1962. 

Pilot Gary Powers would land in his U2 in Peshawar/Badabair and then overfly Russia capturing images of military installation. He was shot down over Russia by a missile and later exchanged the situation of the CIA drone is no different. 

CIA RQ-170 Senitel Drone had been mapping areas of internet in Iran. This drone uses very advanced technology , for example it can take a snap of your car's number plate. 

The Iranians tricked the on-board computer getting the drone to walk straight into a trap and it was brought down to a soft landing as visible in the photo. The Drone technology is likely to be the main instrument of spying for decades. 


  1. Thanks for keeping me up with the updates Rabia


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