
Insomnia Linked to Punctuality

A recent study reveals that people who snooze for the shortest, most fitful intervals arrive more promptly for appointments than sounder sleepers. In the study, which has been published in Journal of Sleep Research, scientists carried out experiments on certain volunteers by scheduling their sleep in distinct ways and then recording their arrival timings for a particular appointment.It was found out that those who had slept the worst were also the ones to reach (for the appointment) the earliest.

Human Sleep is broadly categorized into two major types of cycles, monophasic and polyphasic.

Monophasic Cycle,which people generally observe, is described by 6-8 hours of continous sleep and then repeating the same after 16-18 hours.Normally, people consider this to be the most healthy and efficient one. However, Jordan Lejuwaan (creator of High Existence) tells that people observing polyphasic cycles are much stronger and more alert.

Polyphasic has four types in all, namely, Uberman, Dymaxion, Everyman and biphasic.These are defined by of a person taking 20-30 minute naps with certain time-specified periods in between. Each of these cycles observe different durations of sleep and wake hours and each has got its own very benefits.The most efficient declared by far is the Dymaxion Cycle. Learn "why and how" here, in the original article..


References:[1]highexistence.com [2]ScienceShot


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