
Is It Possible To Catch A Cold From Being In The Cold?

Just being in cold weather won't put you at higher risk of catching a cold.

"The reason colds are more common in the winter is probably due to the fact that people are spending more time inside where it is easier to spread cold viruses," Dr. Guy T. Napolitana, M.D., chairman of general internal medicine at the Lahey Clinic in Massachusetts, told Everyday Health.

Colds are caused by viruses, so they can only be "caught" if you are in contact with an infected person, LifesLittleMysteries reported.

According to the Vanderbilt University health psychology website, the origin of the belief that cold weather causes sickness may go back to Celsus's work "De Medicina" in the 1st century AD, which says that winter provokes headaches, coughs and ills that affect the chest and lungs.


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