
"It is a Barnum and Bailey world, but..."

Okay... today's 'Pensive' is more of an assortment of abstract thoughts that I felt like sharing with you guys. The idea popped into my head only a couple of hours ago. So here goes...

It's a Barnum and Bailey world,
as phony as it could be,
but it wouldn't be make-believe
if you believed in me.
-It's only a paper moon by Nat King Cole
Now when I first read the poem, I found the last verse quite untrue. I still find it that way! That is to say, I don't believe I can ever find a person out there who can actually be trusted for truly understanding me. (Basically, that's what God is for. It never can be humans!)

So you see, there's this increased tendency of viewing every other human being as someone who is cruel, insensitive and selfish. Some to degrees higher than others. But the crux of the matter is, that it is mere folly to expect that much from a fellow human. So, I decided to think differently. That is, the world's phony, good enough, but how about I start  thinking of others just like I do for myself. See, everyone's talking about the phoniness of everyone else. So, basically we are all victims of the same bad, bad world. Therefore, why not think of others as naive, innocent creatures just like ourselves, whose feelings are just as fragile as ours. Everyone gets their share of doing wrong and being the wronged one. No one's sinless, after all.

So, instead of posing as the sole 'wounded' party, and thinking of others as those who administer the wound, I think we should all start thinking of each other as equal 'affectees'. Might just help promote feelings of 'war-brotherhood' amongst us! Happy trying, you and me!


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