
Latest Study:Unusual Benefits of Coffee

Kills Depression: A study conducted by Harvard School of Public Health declares that women who drink fully caffeinated coffee have a 20% lower risk of depression.

Healthy Weight:"When you drink coffee after a meal, it causes your body to more slowly process the meal you just ate," says Chris Kilham, medical researcher, founder of Medicine Hunter, Inc. and author of Psyche Delicacies. According to David Levitsky, PhD, professor of nutritional science at Cornell University, "Caffeine decreases the rate at which the stomach dumps its contents into the duodenum-a part of the small intestine where digestion takes place-and also increases metabolic rate."

Boosts Male Fertility: "Studies have shown that caffeine has a positive effect on sperm motility-the ability of sperm to move toward an egg-and could increase your chances of [getting pregnant]," says John Wilcox, MD, FACOG, managing partner and reproductive endocrinologist at HRC Fertility in California.

Skin Cancer Prevention: A study (see reference) says that drinking three cups of coffee daily can reduce lower risk for basal cell carcinoma by 20% in women and 9% in men.

No Stomach Pain: According to Lauren Gerson, MD, MSc, associate professor of medicine and gastroenterology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, "There is no evidence from reviewed studies that coffee causes ulcers or more pain in patients with documented ulcers."


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