
LHC Has News On Higgs!

Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva get to see possible 'Higgs' glimpses.

While scientists are truly excited after what they say are possible glimpses of the particle, there is not enough data yet to support any discovery. 

Two separate experiments are being conducted at the LHC, both of which see hints of the particle at the same mass. 
"This basic building block of the Universe is a significant missing component of the Standard Model - the "instruction booklet" that describes how particles and forces interact. Two separate experiments at the LHC - Atlas and CMS - have been conducting independent searches for the Higgs. Because the Standard Model does not predict an exact mass for the Higgs, physicists have to use particle accelerators like the LHC to systematically look for it across a broad search area", the BBC reports.

Higgs Boson is the means by which everything else derives its mass and its discovery is crucial for further advancements in our understanding of the Universe.


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