
Melinda Opens Gates For Indian Infants

Talking about a ritual in north Indian community where mothers rub their newborn babies bodies with mustard oil is a practice to introduce infections.
Gates foundation working on health of people in developing countries and donating 90% of their wealth for the cause,  found sunflower seed oil as an alternative to prevent infection.
At a conference Melinda Gates told audience that getting such women to switch required “science of behaviour change” which includes social networking graphs to identify who has connection to influence others behaviours.
She said that they wrote a song with help of Indian mothers with a catchy indian tune that explains what oil to use, where to put and where not to put.
To make it more effective, they taught it to grandmothers because these ladies can help spread the message to community.
“We hope it will spread to many, many villages, so it works in a culturally appropriate way, so it actually saves the lives of newborns,” Melinda said.

History has never witnessed a couple more humble and more caring and considerate!


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