
Michael Jackson Doctor Conrad Murray Files Appeal

Dr. Conrad Murray who is convicted of involunary manslaughter has decided to forego hiring legal representation and represent himself. He reportedly listed "Men's Central Jail" and his booking number in the space on the appeal document where a lawyer would normally list a firm's name or contact information.
Although Murray seems to be without a lawyer, he is still in communication with Nareg Gourjian, one of the attorneys who represented him during his manslaughter trial.

Following the guilty verdict, Murray's lead defense lawyer Ed Chernoff told CNN, "What matters most right now is trying to keep Dr. Murray from taking up a prison cell in this community. That's what we're focusing on right now, and we'll deal with an appeal after that."

Murray was sentenced to four years in jail Tuesday, but due to overcrowding, he's unlikely to serve his full term.


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