
What phantom limbs and mirrors teach us about the brain

California: Scientists are curing the previously incurable with little more than a mirror, and changing our understanding of the brain in the process. The Study was done in University of California San Diego (UCSD) which suggested that a simple mind trick involving mirrors can help ease the pain of osteoarthritis, a condition that affects one in 10 people. In most cases, pain-killers and surgical treatment have no effect.

How it works?
The phantom (or arthritic) hand is placed behind the mirror. When the patient looks into the mirror he feels the reflection of the real hand superimposed on the phantom. He then tries to move both hands.

Many patients report they feel the phantom mimicking the movement of the real hand.

When the real hand opens its fingers, it looks as though the phantom has opened, and pain is relieved. By doing this repeatedly some patients find the phantom disappears. Providing a visual substitute for the phantom limb effectively "amputates" it.


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