
Morals Or Scientific Benefits!!???

Charles Byrne an 18th-century celebrity nicknamed the 'Irish Giant' was about 7 feet, 7 inches (2.3 meters) tall as a result of acromegaly, a condition caused when a tumor on the pituitary gland stimulates an excess of growth hormone.

Bryne died at the age of 22 and wished to have his body buried under water. But despite his wish his body was purchased by pioneering surgeon and anatomist John Hunter, who often hired grave robbers to supply him with corpses.
For two centuries Byrne's skeleton has been on display at the Royal College of Surgeons' Hunterian Museum in London where scientists have done research on his genes and identified several dozen people in Ireland with the same genetic mutation all believed to be related to Byrne through a common ancestor.

Medical ethicist Len Doyal and legal researcher Thomas Muinzer recently wrote in the British Medical Journal that there is no good reason to display skeleton who died in 1793, no more of scientific use, and have a strong moral case against it.

"What has been done cannot be undone but it can be morally rectified," "Surely it is time to respect the memory and reputation of Byrne."" Moreover, now that Byrne's DNA has been extracted, it can be used in further research," they wrote.

The museum's director, Sam Alberti, said that there is a "powerful moral argument" for respecting Byrne's wishes that was outweighed by the skeleton's continuing benefit to medical research.

No decision of burial of skeleton has been given. 


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