
The never ending tales of 'self-victimization!

By Sarah Mahmood

There's this (inherent or not, I am not sure) habit that I have seen in many, that of believing oneself to be a victim (of circumstances; of people and their mean acts; of things that are in other words beyond one's own control).

Self-pity, a trait characteristic of reactive people, is nothing but another lie, one that we tell ourselves. And what exactly are its implications? Well, for starters, it's a major 'crippler' when it comes to activities that could in some way benefit us (change the evident course of events that fate seems to have paved for us).

But for me it's something more than that. As human beings, we have been blessed with a lot more (abilities and capabilities) than any other creation on earth. Why then, should we be sitting somewhere moaning about things, and constantly setting ourselves up on the pedestal of victimization?

Overcoming self-pity is yet another lesson in achieving proactiveness, 'one of the seven habits of highly effective people'. Happy proacting!


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